Фразы-клише для эссе в ЕГЭ

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Фразы-клише для написания эссе в ЕГЭ по английскому языку


In my opinion, …

I believe that …

I believe that people should be allowed to (do) …

I believe it would be a good idea to…


Some people believe it’s better for them to (do) …

Some people believe that we should allow…

Others believe that…


Others may think it’s a form of self-expression and everybody should be allowed to do it.

Some people believe this process would be a waste of time.


Despite those advantages, I believe…

I disagree with this viewpoint because…

I disagree with this position because…

I do not completely agree with this position because…

The problem with this is that…


While those are important things to consider, I don’t agree with this view.

I think for some people, though, it doesn’t work very well.


In conclusion, I believe that…

There are advantages and disadvantages in…

To sum up, I believe it would be …

In conclusion, I would say there are benefits to both…, but…


Приведенные ниже фразы могут быть использованы в различных частях вашего эссе.


Для выражения опасений используйте:

Also, there may be a fear that…

There are also some concerns with…

It has become a problem for…


Для иллюстрации какого-либо мнения примером:

Another example is…

That is proof that…

Studies show that…


Для формулирования позиции одной из сторон могут пригодиться:

It would be better if…

If … can allow us to (do) …, we should explore this option.

In my opinion, it depends on the type of…

I believe that most people realize that…

I think it’s beneficial for… to succeed in…

We should have the right to (do)…

It might be best to (do)…

I think it might be (in)appropriate to (do)…

I think it is best to (do)…

It is more than…, it is an opportunity to (do)…

There is a great deal of respect for…

It is a freedom of choice that we are able to (do) …

People/Teenagers can (cannot) make proper choices for themselves, so…

This attitude assumes that people cannot/might be responsible for…

These are valuable lessons that can help…

… is not enough to (do) …

We could use… in order to (do) …

This means that it’s (not) always necessary to (do) …


It probably would not (would) work anyway.

It’s important we could handle it properly.

I think it would be a worthwhile investment/experience.


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«Фото из моего альбома» Задание 3 раздела Говорение в ЕГЭ — 499 руб






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Thanks: МГУДТ