Your Cup of English 09/09/2016

Цитата дня:

«You can’t move mountains by whispering at them.»


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To measure a mountain we may use Barometer. Barometer helps to measure the air pressure and at the top of the mountains air pressure is lower than the pressure on the ground. By comparing the two we can calculate how tall a mountain is.


How are you?


to whisper (verb — глагол) шептать

What were they whispering about? — О чем они шепчутся?

He whispered a few words to her. — Он прошептал ей несколько слов.

to measure (verb — глагол) измерять

Did you measure the windows before buying the curtains? — Ты померила окно, прежде чем покупать занавески?

to compare (verb — глагол) сравнивать

We can start by comparing the work of the historian with the work of the politician. — Для начала можно сравнить труд политика и труд историка.



«You can’t move mountains by whispering at them.»


Шепотом не сдвинуть гору.

To measure a mountain we may use Barometer. Barometer helps to measure the air pressure and at the top of the mountains air pressure is lower than the pressure on the ground. By comparing the two we can calculate how tall a mountain is.

Для определения высоты горы мы можем использовать барометр. Он помогает замерить атмосферное давление: на вершине давление ниже чем у ее основания. Сравнивая эти два параметра можно рассчитать высоту.


See you on Monday!

Anna Zhilina


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Thanks: МГУДТ