Your Cup of English 14/09/2015

Цитата дня:

There are two great days in a person’s life — the day we are born and the day we discover why.

William Barclay
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August is the most popular birthday month, accounting for about 9% of all the birthday in the world. July and September, are not far behind though.

Morning and sorry for the shortest article of the year today.
I had a reason yesterday. Can you guess what it was? 😉

There are two great days in a person’s life — the day we are born and the day we discover why.
William Barclay

В жизни человека есть два великих дня — день его рождения и день, в который он понимает для чего был рожден.

August is the most popular birthday month, accounting for about 9% of all the birthday in the world. July and September, are not far behind though.

Август — месяц, на котрый приходится самое большое количество дней рождений — около 9%. Другие лидеры — июль и сентябрь, ненамного отстают от августа.


Anna Zhilina


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5 комментариев к “Your Cup of English 14/09/2015”

  1. Галина:

    Congratulation! I believe, you had a birthday! I wish you all the best!

  2. Anna Zhilina:

    ThankS! 😉

  3. Elena:

    Anna, congratulations!!! Many happy returns!

  4. Elena:

    Anna, my congratulations! Many happy returns!

  5. Anna Zhilina:

    Thank you very much!

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Thanks: МГУДТ