ЭССЕ в ЕГЭ. Урок 1: Introduction/Вступление


Вступление это первый параграф эссе.

Здесь необходимо показать ОБЕ точки зрения на представленную в теме проблему.

Достаточно подготовить 1-3 предложения, чтобы не делать вступление слишком тяжеловесным.

 В ЕГЭ требуется ПЕРЕФРАЗИРОВАТЬ предложенную тему,

а значит, необходимо

использовать  другие грамматические конструкции (например, заменить активный залог на пассивный)


заменить данные в теме слова синонимами (2-3 слова).




Nowadays, there is an opinion that …,


-while other people claim that …

-while other people complain that …


-while others say that is not worth doing it.

-while others believe that there is no need to do it.

-while others do not agree with this point of view.


Эта схема/модель вступления может быть применима для любого эссе.

Давайте проверим.


Тема 1:

Friendship is the greatest gift of life.

Вступление 1:

Nowadays, there is an opinion that friendship is one of the best presents which our life gives us, while others do not agree with this point of view.


Тема 2:

Childhood is not the best time of one’s life.

Вступление 2:

Nowadays, there is an opinion that childhood years are the hardest period of our life, while other people claim that it is absolutely wrong.


Тема 3:

One should not pay too much attention to fashion.

Вступление 3:

Nowadays, there is an opinion that everybody has to pay a lot of attention to fashionable trends, while others say that is not worth doing it.


Тема 4:

One should read about historical sights before sightseeing.

Вступление 4:

Nowadays, there is an opinion that it is useful to find out about tourist attractions in advance,while others believe that there is no need to do it.


Тема 5:

It is wrong to make pupils read a lot in summer time.

Вступление 5:

Nowadays, there is an opinion that it is extremely important to read in the summer months, while
other people claim that summer reading must be only optional.


Тема 6:

Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world.

Вступление 6:

Nowadays, there is an opinion that nowadays science must be primarily funded, while others do not agree with this point of view.


Тема 7:

The skill of handwriting will be unnecessary soon.

Вступление 7:

Nowadays, there is an opinion that the skill of handwriting will become useless in the very near future, while others do not agree with this point of view.



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Урок 0: Много теории

Урок 1: Introduction/Вступление

Урок 2: My personal opinion/Мое мнение

Урок 3: Opposing view/Противоположное мнение

Урок 4: Why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion/Почемы не согласны

Урок 5: Conclusion/Заключение

Урок 6: Семь готовых эссе

Урок 7: Облегченные версии семи эссе



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Thanks: МГУДТ