Фразы-клише для задания №4 в Говорении ЕГЭ

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Фразы-клише для трех основных этапов выполнения задания №4 раздела говорение ЕГЭ:

Примеры использования клише в контексте.




We can tell by the expressions of their faces that…

We can tell by the expressions of their faces that they are busy and concentrated.

It looks like… (+ a noun)

It looks like a modern and well-equipped laboratory. 

She looks … (+ adjective)

She looks relaxed and a bit sleepy.

This seems like a …

This seems like a huge and modern sports center.

It looks as though…(придаточное)

It looks as though the teenagers are sitting in the quiet library and preparing for their exams or school projects.





The pictures are similar because they illustrate…

The pictures are similar because they illustrate the musical events and two bands performing on the stages. 

The things that the two pictures have in common are that they show…

The things that the two pictures have in common are that they show the animals in their natural environment.

What the photos have in common is that they both show…

The pictures are similar in that they both show…

The similarities between the photos are that they show…

The similarities between the photos are that they show us the outdoor fesivals happening in the city centres.

Both pictures show…

Both pictures show sports events.

These photos both show…

These photos both show major attractions of two European capitals.





The pictures are different in many ways.

The pictures are different in a number of ways.

The pictures are different in a couple of ways.

The obvious difference is that…

The obvious difference is that the woman in the first picture is younger than the woman in the second picture.

The differences involve how…

The differences involve how the people spend their free time.

The difference is the way…

The difference is the way these women do their housework.

There are a couple of differences between the photos.

There are several differences between the photos.



Кроме того,
вам может быть интересен онлайн курс для подготовки к третьему заданию раздела Говорение ЕГЭ

«Фото из моего альбома» Задание 3 раздела Говорение в ЕГЭ — 650 руб





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Thanks: МГУДТ