Урок 2 «Где и когда?»

В начале ответа, сразу после вступительной фразы,

мы должны ответить на следующие вопросы:

Когда и где была сделана данная фотография?

where and when the photo was taken


Возможные ответы на вопрос когда:

года —

год назад, пять лет назад, когда мне было 10 лет

сезоны —

прошлой осенью или весной, в середине прошлого лета

предположительные отметки времени в прошлом —

совсем недавно, много лет назад


Возможные ответы на вопрос где:

города и страны —

В Москве, в Великобритании, в деревне Веселовка

назначение помещения/заведения — 

в гостиной, на кухне, в, картинной галерее, в центральном зале местной филармонии, в парке

внутри или снаружи —

на улице, дома у бабушки, на свежем воздухе

Из контекста задания понятно, что фотография была сделана в прошлом,

и мы указываем конкретную точку времени в прошлом,

а это значит,

что мы используем время прошедшее простое Past Simple

либо в активном залоге

I/My friend took this photo 


в пассивном залоге

This photo was taken 3 months ago.


нужно постараться сделать здесь, как минимум,

2 предложения,

так как существует нижняя граница лимита предложений

(12 предложений на весь ответ для получения максимального результата).

Посмотрим на примеры

Группа 1

«Красотка или симпатяга»



This photo was taken 2 years ago in the city centre.

That day I asked my friend to take a good photo of me.


My friend, who we often do exercises with, took this photo a couple of days ago after our training in the park.

On Sunday morning we finished our morning run.

The weather was beautiful and I wanted to have a great photo of the day.


My boyfriend took this photo last summer in Moscow.

We were walking in the park and it started to rain suddenly.

It was warm and I wanted to dance in the rain.


Группа 2

«Моя семья»


This photo was taken 5 years ago.

We wanted to have a beautiful photo of my whole family.

We asked a professional photographer to take some photos.

We are outside in the park and we are enjoying the process of shooting very much.


This photo was taken by my uncle who is a professional photographer.

He likes taking unusual and unexpected photos like this one.

6 years ago we were sitting at the Christmas table in the living room and my uncle went outside to take the photo which we were not aware about.

We were not posing that is why we look so natural here.


This photo was taken last summer about 10 months ago in our grandparents’ summer house.

That day we gathered to celebrate my grandfather’s birthday and we were having dinner outside.

The weather was perfect!


Группа 3



This photo was taken in August 2017.

It was the first day of our trip to Europe.

We had just arrived and, of course, we needed a map to find the place where our hotel was located.


This photo was taken in the middle of July 2018.

We were travelling in Europe and it was a really hot day.

We were exausted and decided to have a rest and sat right on the road to relax a bit.


This photo was taken 10 months ago when I was in London with my family.

It was an amazing trip.

It was so sunny and I decided to take a selfie.

At the same moment my brother took this photo.

I think it’s funny and I like it very much.


Группа 4

«Экзотические места»


This photo was taken 2 years ago when we had a trip to the most exotic place where I had been.

It was the unforgettable trip to Bali.

That island looked like a heaven. 


I took this photo last summer when I travelled to Egypt with my family.

We were walking on the beach and I noticed a stranger who was riding a camel.


This photo was taken 5 years ago when we travelled to Malasia.

As I remember, this day of our trip was the most interesting

as we were visining a lot of local places.


Группа 5

«Экстремальный опыт»


This photo was taken a week ago.

We were jumping with a parachute not far away from the city we live.

The day was perfect for jumping!


This photo was taken in the middle of the summer in the camp for teenagers.

We were having different types of extreme adventure including mountain climbing.

As you know a summer is the best season for climbers.


This photo was taken 3 months ago.

We were having an an extreme holiday and you can see a part of it.

As I remember it was the last adventure we had in our trip.


Группа 6

«Странный выбор»


This photo was taken 7 months ago in the center of our city.

I was walking alone and noticed this poor dog.


This photo wast taken 6 months ago when we travelled to Holland.

I was impressed by the number fo people using bicycles instead of cars and I liked the idea a lot.

I took this photo on our way from the airport to the hotel where we lived.


This photo was taken last autumn in the nearest park.

The weather was wonderful.

The colours were so bright that I couldn’t stop taking photos that day.


к уроку №1 «С ног на голову»


к уроку №3 «Что происходит?»

к уроку №4 «Собираем пазл»

к уроку №5 «Оцениваем то, что получилось»

к уроку №6 «Выявленные недостатки и их устранение»

к уроку №7 «Финишная прямая»


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Thanks: Lifestar