Фразы-клише для задания №4 в Говорении ЕГЭ

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Фразы-клише для трех основных этапов выполнения задания №4 раздела говорение ЕГЭ:

Примеры использования клише в контексте.




We can tell by the expressions of their faces that…

We can tell by the expressions of their faces that they are busy and concentrated.

It looks like… (+ a noun)

It looks like a modern and well-equipped laboratory. 

She looks … (+ adjective)

She looks relaxed and a bit sleepy.

This seems like a …

This seems like a huge and modern sports center.

It looks as though…(придаточное)

It looks as though the teenagers are sitting in the quiet library and preparing for their exams or school projects.





The pictures are similar because they illustrate…

The pictures are similar because they illustrate the musical events and two bands performing on the stages. 

The things that the two pictures have in common are that they show…

The things that the two pictures have in common are that they show the animals in their natural environment.

What the photos have in common is that they both show…

The pictures are similar in that they both show…

The similarities between the photos are that they show…

The similarities between the photos are that they show us the outdoor fesivals happening in the city centres.

Both pictures show…

Both pictures show sports events.

These photos both show…

These photos both show major attractions of two European capitals.





The pictures are different in many ways.

The pictures are different in a number of ways.

The pictures are different in a couple of ways.

The obvious difference is that…

The obvious difference is that the woman in the first picture is younger than the woman in the second picture.

The differences involve how…

The differences involve how the people spend their free time.

The difference is the way…

The difference is the way these women do their housework.

There are a couple of differences between the photos.

There are several differences between the photos.



Кроме того,
вам может быть интересен онлайн курс для подготовки к третьему заданию раздела Говорение ЕГЭ

«Фото из моего альбома» Задание 3 раздела Говорение в ЕГЭ — 650 руб





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Рособрнадзор утвердил расписание ЕГЭ и ОГЭ в 2019 году,
которое опубликовано 14.03.2019г
на официальном сайте правовой информации.


24 и 25 мая 2019 года

ссылка на официальный документ

Иностранные языки, в том числе и английский, станут первыми в списке экзаменов девятиклассников.


5 июня 2019 года — письменная часть, кроме раздела Говорение
7 и 8 июня 2019 года — раздел Говорение

ссылка на официальный документ

Перейдя по ссылкам на официальные документы, можно найти информацию о датах проведения других экзаменов.

Полезные и бесплатные материалы этого сайта для подготовки к экзаменам по ссылкам ниже

Онлайн курсы 

Идеальный монолог ОГЭ — 700 руб

Телефонный опрос ОГЭ — 500 руб

ВИДЕО курс «ОГЭ Коротко о главном» — 400 руб


«Фото из моего альбома» Задание 3 раздела Говорение в ЕГЭ — 650 руб


ЕГЭ Грамматика и лексика 19-25 №1

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Здесь я планирую публиковать созданные мной задания различных разделов экзамена ЕГЭ с ответами и пояснениями.



ЗАДАНИЯ 19-25 


Источник статьи, взятой за основу задания: 

Does having a higher IQ than Einstein guarantee success? 


Nishi Uggalle, winner of Channel 4’s Child Genius show, got the highest possible score in a Mensa test, but psychologists differ on whether such tests are reliable.

Twelve-year-old Nishi Uggalle, the newly crowned champion of Channel 4’s Child Genius show, is said to have an IQ “higher than Einstein’s”. It sounds impressive, and well done to Nishi for winning what is in effect a junior Mastermind programme, but does that comparison actually mean anything and how seriously should we take IQ (intelligence quotient) as a measurement of intellectual capacity?

The immediate problem is that no one knows what Einstein’s IQ was, as he ___ never ___ (TEST). It is assumed he ___ (HAVE) an IQ score of 160+, which is reckoned to equate with genius level. When Nishi was tested almost three years ago by Mensa, a membership organisation for people with very high IQs, she scored 162 – the highest possible score in the test she was taking, though other tests can yield higher scores and IQs of above 200 have been claimed.

The numbers are purely normative: the test-taker’s performance is scored against the average for the same age group, based on a series of tests that usually concentrate on pattern recognition, logic and problem-solving ability. The benchmark for the whole group is 100, and most people (estimates very) fall into a range between 70 and 130. Only 2.5% are reckoned to have an IQ above 130. Mensa only accepts members who are in the top 2% of those tested. Rather elitist, I suggest to a Mensa spokeswoman. “It’s ___ (EASY) to get into Mensa than into certain golf clubs,” she counters.

The aim of an IQ test is not to measure knowledge, but the individual’s ability to learn and their speed in ___ (ABSORB) information. Having zero spatial awareness, I despise them, since they expose me as a complete thicko – I once came plumb bottom in an army intelligence test to determine whether I was potential officer material. Psychologists differ wildly on whether IQ tests ___ (BE) reliable. Some swear by them; all we can say with certainty is that they test a particular, narrow definition of intelligence – the ability to problem-solve under pressure.

The Mensa spokeswoman ___ (CLAIM) there is a strong correlation between high IQ and good health, longevity and career success, but she also accepts a high IQ can produce social isolation. One of Mensa’s aims is to bring together “gifted” children because their general cohort may find ___ (THEY) a little odd. I know many chess players who are brilliant problem-solvers but can barely cope with “real” life. What is intelligence? That remains the key, unanswered question.



as he was never tested

пассивный залог, прошедшее время (Энштейн никогда не был протестирован)

he would have an IQ score of 160+

будущее в прошедшем (ссылка на будущее с точки зрения момента в прошлом)

It’s easier to get into Mensa than into certain golf clubs

сравнительная степень прилагательного

their speed in absorbing information

использование герундия (глагола с окончанием -ing) после предлога

whether IQ tests are reliable

настоящее простое время, множественное число

The Mensa spokeswoman claims

настоящее простое время, добавление окончания -s г глаголу с местоимениями he, she, it

their general cohort may find them a little odd

объектное местоимение (находить кого?)

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Thanks: Maketnw