Четвёртый параграф один из самых сложных с точки зрения критерия коммуникативная задача.
Здесь нельзя повторять ваше мнение и приводить дополнительные аргументы в её пользу, единственное, что от вас требуется это обьяснить почему вы не согласны с противоположной точкой зрения, представленной в третьем параграфе.
Таким образом, прежде чем писать данный параграф, внимательно прочитайте предыдущий и объясните почему вы так не считаете.
Здесь также есть готовые помощники, которые можно использовать:
I disagree with THE OPPOSING POSITION because…
А также целое предложение, подходящее для любой темы:
While those are important things to consider, I do not agree with THE OPPOSING VIEW.
Или для менее категоричной формы несогласия:
I do not completely agree with THE OPPOSING POINT OF VIEW because…
Заглавными буквами выделена обязательная часть для начала четвертого параграфа.
Вам не достаточно сказать : I don’t agree with this view.
Так экспертам не понятно с каким именно мнением вы не согласны.
Вы должны написать: I don’t agree with THE OPPOSING VIEW.
Рассмотрим четвёртый параграф на примерах.
Тема 1:
Friendship is the greatest gift of life.
Параграф 3 из предыдущего урока:
Others claim that friendship is important but they would not call it a gift.
They think that as your mates are able to help you, you have to stand up for them too, so they would rather call friendship a mutually beneficial cooperation not a gift.
Параграф 4 новый:
While those are important things to consider, I do not agree with the opposing view. I am sure that cooperation does not involve emotional connection which exists among real friends.
Тема 2:
Childhood is not the best time of one’s life.
Параграф 3 из предыдущего урока:
Some people believe that it would be great to have a happy childhood but they are not sure that everybody has it.
They think that parents could limit their children’s desires, choices and aspirations in order to protect them. As a result, schoolchildren do activities they are not interested in and they study subjects they hate.
Параграф 4 новый:
While those are important things to consider, I do not completely agree with the opposing view. I think that parents’ limitations are based on their great life experience. Parents’ control must exist as a form of protection from the mistakes of youth.
Тема 3:
One should not pay too much attention to fashion.
Параграф 3 из предыдущего урока:
Others claim that it would be a great idea to be into fashion and wear trendy clothes.
They are sure that it is beneficial for everybody to have a sense of belonging to the high social status community. For example, if you can afford to buy Chanel clothes, it means that you are successful and wealthy.
Параграф 4 новый:
While those are important things to consider, I do not agree with the opposing view. There are a lot of examples in the modern world when the wealthiest people wear the simplest clothes, while not very reach ones try to make a good impression by dressing in the expensive brands. Everybody remembers Steve Jobs who put on the same black long-sleeved jumpers every day but nobody knows others in fashionable items of clothing.
Тема 4:
One should read about historical sights before sightseeing.
Параграф 3 из предыдущего урока:
Some people believe that it is not necessary to look for any information before sightseeing.
They think that getting information in advance spoils your own personal impression, doing it we look at the place from the point of view of the author and absorb his or her attitude. For example, we may adopt negative or unreasonably positive impression of the authors’ feedback.
Параграф 4 новый:
While those are important things to consider, I do not agree with the opposing view. If you are really interested in art you will definitely visit an art gallery even if the reviews were negative. A guided tour just gives you extra information about a painting and doesn’t influence your personal opinion.
Тема 5:
It is wrong to make pupils read a lot in summer time.
Параграф 3 из предыдущего урока:
Others claim that it would be a great idea to read a lot while students have their free time in the summer.
It is beneficial for students to succeed in school test results, so they think that summer reading will help schoolchildren to get better marks next school year.
Параграф 4 новый:
While those are important things to consider, I do not completely agree with the opposing view. Probably, a lot of reading could partially improve your achievements in literature and Russian language but it has nothing to do with other subjects. Also it is extremely important not to make children hate mentioned subjects because of the need to read in summer time.
Тема 6:
Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world.
Параграф 3 из предыдущего урока:
Some people believe that it would be a great idea to finance social sphere or medicine first, not science.
They think that we could use public finances to solve more important priority tasks. For example, there are a lot of everyday problems our society faces like homeless or disabled people who we must help first.
Параграф 4 новый:
While those are important things to consider, I do not completely agree with the opposing view. All the solutions of social problems are connected to the science development one way or another. I strongly believe that only funding the science researches could help us to solve disabled and homeless people’s issues.
Тема 7:
The skill of handwriting will be unnecessary soon.
Параграф 3 из предыдущего урока:
Other people believe that it will always be a great idea to be able to write beautifully and legibly.
They think that we could look at amazing handwriting as a form of art. For example, it is a real pleasure to get a well-organized letter with a lovely writing and keep it as a masterpiece.
Параграф 4 новый:
While those are important things to consider, I do not agree with the opposing view. There are better pieces of art, like sculptures and paintings, to be kept and protected than handwriting. It is only the simple act of keeping information and it must be done in the fastest and easiest way.
Урок 1: Introduction/Вступление
Урок 2: My personal opinion/Мое мнение
Урок 3: Opposing view/Противоположное мнение
Урок 4: Why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion/Почемы не согласны
Урок 7: Облегченные версии семи эссе